Sometimes I describe what I do as assembling a puzzle.

Every project, every brand
story begins with pieces.

Single elements that, when carefully assembled, become something awesome –
a bigger picture, an identity, a customer experience.

But what do I actually do?

I develop and use brand identity and guidelines combined with thoughtful, professional design and strategic messaging to elevate the customer experience. How so? Here are some of my hard skills.


Fonts speak. They create personality and star as literal characters in your brand story. Choosing the right font to communicate is as important as the words they create.


Because a bit of movement can captivate, create engagement, and bring a brand to life.

print production

Print can be a technical beast. Knowing the differences in printing techniques and proper production processes for each is an art form in itself.


Beautiful Design is great, but it gets you nowhere without a clear understanding of the customer journey.

Illustrations & icons

Illustrations and icons are the little brand elements that can make an impact or a statement in seconds. Let’s make custom elements for your brand!

Branding & identity

From refreshing tired brands to creating completely new visual identities, the goal is always to build a meaningful brand.

and here is a portfolio of some of my work